Saturday, October 23, 2021

 Challenge of the Human Face

Human facial features are complex. Attempting to make the head of a famous or recognizable person is a challenge. When a coworker approached me to make a gift for her spouse who is a philosophy professor I was initially daunted. Socrates head? I freaked out, but accepted the challenge. I used a host of images, including in profile. It is a stainless steel armature, covered with silver colored copper wire and stands about 16 inches tall.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

 Elephant Calf Project

An admirer of my work put a big box of grey sheathed wire on our porch. For years it languished until I was asked about elephants. Somehow I thought grey would be a good color and I remembered a heavy steel form which was lying about. You will also see the bottom airflow grill from a refrigerator that died in the series of photos which follow. Hopefully the progression of the work will be clearly shown and of interest.



This piece is currently on a bench outside a bakery near our home!

Monday, March 29, 2021

 Two Stingrays

When I was a kid, we got two Stingray bikes from some friends that were moving. They were green and purple. About ten years ago I made a purple Stingray, about the size of my hand.  A brother loved it so much I promised to give it to him if it did not sell after a year or two. About five years ago I saw a  photo of a fancy three-speed model on the internet. I challenged myself to make a larger, more elaborate sculpture. For the rims of this sea green model, I used embroidery hoops (pink!). Now I really have to let "Little Purple" go!